
拷贝字体文件 mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/truetype/ sudo cp /media/hda1/windows/fonts/simsun.ttc /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/truetype/ sudo cp /media/hda1/windows/fonts/SURSONG.TTF /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/truetype/ sudo cp /media/hda1/windows/fonts/tahoma.ttf /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/truetype/ sudo cp /media/hda1/windows/fonts/tahomabd.ttf /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/truetype/ sudo chmod 644 /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/truetype/* 更新字体缓冲 cd /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/truetype/ sudo mkfontscale sudo mkfontdir sudo fc-cache /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/truetype/ 修改字体显示的优先级 sudo vi /etc/fonts/language-selector.conf <fontconfig> <alias> <family>serif</family> <prefer> <family>Bitstream Vera Serif</family> <family>SimSun</family> <-- 添加这行 <family>DejaVu Serif</family> <family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family> <family>WenQuanYi Bitmap Song</family> <family>AR PL ZenKai Uni</family> </prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>sans-serif</family> <prefer> <family>Bitstream Vera Sans</family> <family>SimSun</family> <-- 添加这行 <family>DejaVu Sans</family> <family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family> <family>WenQuanYi Bitmap Song</family> <family>AR PL ZenKai Uni</family> </prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>monospace</family> <prefer> <family>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</family> <family>SimSun</family> <-- 添加这行 <family>DejaVu Sans Mono</family> <family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family> <family>WenQuanYi Bitmap Song</family> <family>AR PL ZenKai Uni</family> </prefer>...

2006-12-11 · wuan

Beans'OS about author

转自 http://www.beanos.org/ Beans’OS about author Welcome to my website, I’m Shaojie Zhou At this flippancy age. as a programmer, it’s easy to lost the glory. I always think that a good programmer should be a knight, with powerful sword and fight for the hope. Although for live, I have to face one troubled after another every day, but I always believe that one day I could carry out my dream. Being a programmer is the most lucky thing to me. Thanks the God. Please consider this project as a toy, I expect buddies with the same hobby, a game with more persons is always more interesting. Contact me: [email protected]

2006-10-26 · wuan