
845,848,865 系列延续着 478 针 处理器发展到现在又已经到了改变封装接口的时候了,我们这时后就会考虑是否继续去购买那些即将推出历史主流的主板呢?我想不管怎么样电脑是拿来用的不是拿来炫耀的。能用为什么不用而且这些系列产品经过了时间的考验各方面都要比新产品成熟点。i845 系列带来了...

2007-05-23 · wuan


depth 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 256 769 771 773 775 32k 784 787 790 793 64k 785 788 791 794 16M 786 789 792 795

2006-12-19 · wuan


I’m not sure which forum to post this, but I just wanted to share one of my stories with you guys . I had recently read a few articles on submersion cooling, where you take your computer and dump it into a tub of non-electrically-conductive oil. It seemed to work really well, and was cheap. So I saw it as a type of poor man’s water-cooling. I bought a large aluminium oven tray and 9 litres of canola oil. Since I didn’t really want to screw up my good computer, I tested it out on an old Pentium II 266 with Nvidia Riva TNT2 Ultra. I placed the motherboard in the tray, and began pouring canola oil all over it, until it was partially submerged. And it worked. The computer booted into Windows 98 fine, and I even started up...

2006-10-18 · wuan


我以前的认识是「国内的虚拟主机服务提供商是不可靠的」! 因为连网易163这种门户级的网站也会终止其虚拟主机服务,更何况其他凤毛麟角的“等等”(谁是等等。。。) 所以我一直认为虚拟主机唯国外信得过也。幸运的是,今天我终于看清了资本主义的真面目。 Dreamhost是一家国外虚拟主机服务提...

2006-09-24 · wuan