在 Mutt 中使用 Google 联系人

RT @龍神: http://piao-tech.blogspot.com/2010/01/google-contacts-in-mutt.html #!/usr/bin/env ruby1.8 ## # File: contactos.rb # Author: Horacio Sanson (hsanson at gmail) # Date: 2010/01/22 # # Descr: # Small script to facilitate use of GMail contacts within mutt email client. # # Features: # - Generates a list of group and subscribe commands generated from your # GMail contacts groups that can be sourced from your muttrc file. # - Can be used to search for contacts within mutt using the query_command # option in the same way abook or ldbd are used. # - Results are cached for a period of time (configurable) to speed up # queries. # # Installation: # To use this script you need ruby and rubygems 1.8 and the gdata gem. To # install these in Ubuntu/Kubuntu use the following commands. # # sudo aptitude install...

2010-12-21 · wuan