About Code::Blocks

About us The Code::Blocks team http://www.codeblocks.org/about.shtml Project Leader Yiannis Mandravellos (Mandrav) Location: Greece Role: Project Manager Bio: (Under construction) How he started the project: (Under construction) Co-developers Ricardo Garcia (rickg22) Location: Mexico City Role: All-hands person Bio: Born in 1975, programmer since 12 (his first projects were small games for a bulletin board system). In 1993 he entered the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, and joined the independent student research group LINDA, where he researched about Artificial Intelligence and data compression. In 2001, he began studying PHP and XML, where he learned the conce of multi-tier programming. How he joined: I was a regular Dev-C++ user. I had used it for some time, and recently had tested its spinoff wx-devc by Guru Kathiresan. Around 2004, I thought that a C++ IDE should be written in C++ (and not in Delphi),...

2007-01-12 · wuan