
mlterm,Made In Japan 安装 sudo apt-get install mlterm mlterm-tools 调整字体,仅当你用UTF-8 1$ vi ~/.mlterm/main -- 8< --- use_anti_alias = true -- 8< --- 含义是让mlterm使用aa字体 2$ sudo vi ~/.mlterm/aafont -- 8< --- # If you use UTF-8 but the range of characters is limited to ISO-8859-1, # you may use the following line instead of the above line. ISO10646_UCS2_1=Courier 10 Pitch-iso10646-1; # Simplified Chinese speakers may want to enable the following setting. ISO10646_UCS2_1_BIWIDTH=AR SungtiL GB-iso10646-1; -- 8< --- 无法激活fcitx 在极少数情况下,你也许会遇到fc...

2007-02-11 · wuan