
I’m not sure which forum to post this, but I just wanted to share one of my stories with you guys . I had recently read a few articles on submersion cooling, where you take your computer and dump it into a tub of non-electrically-conductive oil. It seemed to work really well, and was cheap. So I saw it as a type of poor man’s water-cooling. I bought a large aluminium oven tray and 9 litres of canola oil. Since I didn’t really want to screw up my good computer, I tested it out on an old Pentium II 266 with Nvidia Riva TNT2 Ultra. I placed the motherboard in the tray, and began pouring canola oil all over it, until it was partially submerged. And it worked. The computer booted into Windows 98 fine, and I even started up...

2006-10-18 · wuan