
创建实现cdebconf的plugin接口的程序http://people.openrays.org/~s5unty/#plugin-hello.so: 创建plugin-hello.so的udeb包,并集成到ISO中 输入"install DEBIAN_FRONTEND=n...

2007-03-07 · wuan

ii undefined symbol cairo_xlib_surface_create

第二次遇到这样的错误: [/sun/home]% firefox /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: cairo_xlib_surface_create 上次是因为 ld.so.conf 的设置问题,这次是因为我编译 cairo-1.2.4 的问题。我在编译时忘记指定 prefix,它把 libcairo.so 默认安装到 /lib 目录,导致 gtk 程序启动时加载了错误的 libcairo.so 库 解决办法是,重新编译 cairo-1.2.4,同样不要指定 prefix,然后安装,最后再反安装。 1% ./configure [...

2007-03-06 · wuan


FROM: http://lists.debian.org/debian-user-spanish/2003/12/msg00433.html Accepted options: invers no comment… ypan enable display panning using the VESA protected mode interface. The visible screen is just a window of the video memory, console scrolling is done by changing the start of the window. pro: * scrolling (fullscreen) is fast, because there is no need to copy around data. * You’ll get scrollback (the Shift-PgUp thing), the video memory can be used as scrollback buffer kontra: * scrolling only parts of the screen causes some ugly flicker effects (boot logo flickers for example). ywrap Same as ypan, but assumes your gfx board can wrap-around the video memory (i.e. starts reading from top if it reaches the end of video memory). Faster than ypan. redraw scroll by redrawing the affected part of the screen, this is the safe (and slow) default. vgapal Use the standard vga...

2007-03-06 · wuan

mlterm && vim && black && bold

这里有很多 vim 的颜色设置(scheme),我在其中找了一个顺眼的,想在其基础上作一点小修改。 因为我已经习惯了在终端中使用 vim,所以有些没设置 ctermfg/ctermbg 而只设置了 guifg/guibg 的 scheme 我就忽略了。 终端我现在用的是 mlterm,感觉很好。只是在 UTF-8 格式下启用 fcitx 有点问题:公司的机器好好的,家里的机器就不行。 要想...

2007-03-05 · wuan


文件 含义 -r True if file exists and is readable -w True if file exists and is writable -x True if file exists and is executable -f True if file exists and is a regular file -d True if file exists and is a directory -c True if file exists and is a character special file -b True if file exists and is a block special file -p True if file exists and is a named pipe (FIFO) -u True if file exists and is a SETUID file -g True if file exists and is a SETGID file -k True if file exists and the sticky bit is set -s True if file exists and has a size greater than zero 逻辑 含义 ! Not -a And -o Or (has lower precedence that -a) ( )...

2007-03-03 · wuan