
FROM: http://topic.csdn.net/t/20030113/10/1352726.html DELPHI 法: 召集各类专家对被估计的对象进行估计,对估计结果进行统计,找出每个被估计项估计数值的最大偏差(同一个被估计项的估计最大值与最小值之差)。将每一个被估计项的最大偏差由大到小排列,将排在前几位的被估计项单独挑出,再召集专家重新估计,对每个估计结果再进行统计排序,重复上述步鄹,...

2007-04-20 · wuan

In Memoriam

We are sad today, and we will be sad for quite a while. We are not moving on. We are embracing our mourning. We are Virginia Tech … – Nikki Giovanni, University Distinguished Professor, poet, activist

2007-04-18 · wuan


您的门票预订申请具体内容如下: 申请的场次: 第一选择 1: 开幕式 订票编码: NSZO081 场馆名称: 国家体育场 日期/时间: 08月08日, 20:00 票价: ¥1500.00 数量: 1 总价:¥1500.00

2007-04-17 · wuan


somefile.c static commands_t commands[] = { #include "commands-list.h" { 0, 0 } }; commands-list.h { "beginblock", command_beginblock }, { "capb", command_capb }, { "clear", command_clear }, ... { "x_save", command_x_save },

2007-04-06 · wuan


FROM: cdebconf-0.114/debian/cdebconf-udeb.templates Packages that use debconf for configuration prioritize the questions they might ask you. Only questions with a certain priority or higher are actually shown to you; all less important questions are skipped. You can select the lowest priority of question you want to see: ‘critical’ is for items that will probably break the system without user intervention. ‘high’ is for items that don’t have reasonable defaults. ‘medium’ is for normal items that have reasonable defaults. ’low’ is for trivial items that have defaults that will work in the vast majority of cases.

2007-04-05 · wuan