
… 有一件事情在1985年发生了,1985年美国拉拢其它五国(7国集团)逼迫日本签署了"广场协议"。以"行政手段"迫使日元升值。 … 假设我是美国财团,我当然知道1985会发生什么,假设我在1983年吧,我用100亿美元兑换成24000亿日元,进...

2007-05-08 · wuan


一炒家去年购一处 100 平米的商品房,开盘价 5000 元/平米,房屋总价 50 万元。贷款 8 成,首付 10 万。几个月后,他们将房价炒到了 8000 元/平米。担心没人买吗?他们根本没打算卖!——他们将房子卖给自己!(当然是以另一个人的名义)。这时房子总价是 80 万,贷款 8 成(64 万),首付 16 万,通过转按揭(或提前还贷...

2007-05-08 · wuan


FROM: http://www.xici.net/b651433/d51791445.htm 张嘉佳,男,1980年生,江苏南通人,毕业于南京大学信息管理系,曾为话剧演员,影视 编剧,杂志主笔,电视编导,专栏作家。穿梭诸多城市,颠沛流离。曾出版以自己的大学 生活为蓝本的奇幻武侠小说《几乎成了英雄》。 目前,老张还是江苏综艺频道娱乐八卦节目《我爱818》主持人之一 – 这...

2007-04-29 · wuan

Debian developers

Testimonial Debian developers can program anything they want! Debian developers program ALL the time and don’t even think twice about it. These guys are so crazy and awesome that they flip out ALL the time. I heard that there was this Debian developer who was eating at a diner. And when some dude tried to patent an algorithm the Debian developer went and released a stable distribution three years later. My friend Jaldhar said that he saw a Debian developer totally uppercut some kid just because the kid used Gentoo. And that’s what I call REAL Ultimate Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you don’t believe that Debian developers have REAL Ultimate Power you better get a life right now or they will not invite you to DebConf!!! It’s an easy choice, if you ask me. Debian developers are sooooooooooo sweet that I want...

2007-04-28 · wuan


今天心情不好。 我只有四句话想说。 包括这句和前面的两句。 我的话说完了……

2007-04-27 · wuan