unless otherwise
You may smoke unless otherwise instructed. You may smoke unless instructed not to smoke. You can smoke “unless otherwise told”/“unless told not to smoke.” then: Unless “otherwise” = the opposite of “You can smoke”
You may smoke unless otherwise instructed. You may smoke unless instructed not to smoke. You can smoke “unless otherwise told”/“unless told not to smoke.” then: Unless “otherwise” = the opposite of “You can smoke”
四川人的幽默感,全国有名。在汶川大地震中也不忘忙里偷闲、险中作乐。灾区传出的许 多笑话和幽默段子,就像四川特产"怪味豆",体现了四川娃儿、四川妹子的乐观信念,也 能让人品出五味俱全。 地震时,我正巧骑车路过天府广场人民南路,突然看到毛主席在向我招手!吓得我差点撞到汽...
人跟人的差距咋就这么大呢! 大哥,你要砸就砸我吧! 这是病人与病人之间在探讨病情,你瞎掺和啥呀你! 大哥,我真抽了! 拐一年卖一年,缘分啊!吃一堑长一智,谢谢啊!横批是:自学成才! 你这人怎么不按套路出牌? 忽海无涯,回头是岸。 小样我整不死你! 一般人我不告诉他。 忽悠,接着忽悠! 苍天啊!大地啊...
origin Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 20:24:16 -0600 (CST) custom X-LDate: Wed, 2006-11-01 10:24 +0800 | Tue, 20:24 -0600 Insert the code below into ~/.procmailrc :0 * ^Date: \/.* { date = `echo "$MATCH" | grep -E -o '^[^\(+-]*'` zone = `echo "$MATCH" | grep -E -o '[\(+-].*$'` org_date = `date +'%a, %R' -d "$date"` loc_date = `date +'%a, %F %R %z' -d "$MATCH"` :0 fhw | $FORMAIL -I "X-LDate: ${loc_date} | ${org_date} ${zone}" } Update the muttrc or other configuration file which is used to configure the header displayed in the mutt: ignore * unignore From: unignore To: unignore CC: unignore BCC: unignore X-LDate: unignore Reply-To: unignore Organization: unignore Subject:p. hdr_order From: To: CC: BCC: Reply-To: Organization: X-LDate: Subject:
RT @http://society.solidot.org/society/08/05/30/0011208.shtml 莎朗斯通的言论让我很生气,但是张嘴欲骂的时候,我发现我是个和莎朗斯通一样猥琐的 人。 911 的时候,我幸灾乐祸,穿着拉登的T恤衫到处招摇。那时候在念高中,我们一个班的人 都很欢。虽然说,911 是人祸,一定程度上是美国的国际政策导致的,而地震是天灾。但 是不管怎么说,死的人都是无辜的。我的...