SR-71 Blackbird

另,来两段SR71飞行员与地面控制塔台的对话的(老美飞行员回忆,挺有幽默感): 我永远记得那一天的无线通讯,当时我正和沃尔特(我的后座驾驶员)一起在13英里高度划 过南加利福尼亚的天空。在飞入洛杉矶空域的时候,我们一直监听着空中其他飞机和飞控 中心的通讯。虽然飞控中心并不真正控制我们,...

2008-07-10 · wuan

再说说 luminox

Luminox 表真的不能买! 这里有一群老外在05年对 Luminox 发的牢骚贴: FROM: 简单翻译几个 - 大概意思 :) –TOP———————————————————————– Ok, so like someone deleted that watch thread that was going ‘round a few months back. Who here owns a Luminox watch and out of those that do, who has had issues with it? In carrying on with Junkesque karma, I have gone through 2 of these fuckless pieces of shit in just the last 3 months (maybe 2 mos). I know some of ya’ll like LandPimp can be hard on their shit like this and they probably haven’t had any issues, so wassup wit dis? Those that have ’em: A. What model? B. Have you had problems?...

2008-07-10 · wuan

我想很多人买到的 luminox 都是老仿

我本来想买 Luminox 9002 的,看到有几位朋友提到磨损问题,我就用心在网上 google 了一下,发现了一篇帖子: 其中有一段是这么说的: We are China largest Luminox 9000 SR71 Blackbird replica watches wholesalers. We started to manufacture replica watches since 2000 and now unite 12 manufacturers for setting up the largest wholesale watch net. 大概意思就是: 我们是中国最大的 Luminox 9000 SR71 黑鸟仿制表批发商。我们从 2000 年开始大量防制手表,到现在为止联合了 12 家厂商...

2008-07-10 · wuan

linux 下最好的围棋软件 glgo

主页 Debian 下的围棋软件我试了源里面自带的 quarry 和 qgo,不过它们各自都有很大的缺点 ,quarry 不支持 IGS,qgo 的对弈续盘功能作的似乎有问题: 当你想加载上次未和 gnugo 下完的对局继续战斗时,你会发现 gnugo 有点失常 ── 不走棋、瞎走棋、甚至直接认输。 由于 glGo 的版权问题(开发者保留版权),不能直接从...

2008-06-09 · wuan


Remember the Human – 记住人的存在 Don’t abuse your power – 不要滥用权利 Share expert knowledge – 分享你的知识 Respect other people’s privacy – 尊重他人的隐私 Make yourself look good online – 给自己网上留个好印象 Know where you are in cyberspace – 入乡随俗 Help keep flame wars under control – 平心静气地争论 Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes – 宽容 Respect other people’s time and bandwidth – 尊重别人的时间和带宽 Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life – 网上网下行为一致

2008-06-08 · wuan