
RT @ def getPY(s): try: chr=s.encode("GB18030") except: return s if chr<"\xb0\xa1": return s if chr>"\xd7\xf9": return u"?" if chr<"\xb0\xc5": return u"a" if chr<"\xb2\xc1": return u"b" if chr<"\xb4\xee": return u"c" if chr<"\xb6\xea": return u"d" if chr<"\xb7\xa2": return u"e" if chr<"\xb8\xc1": return u"f" if chr<"\xb9\xfe": return u"g" if chr<"\xbb\xf7": return u"h" if chr<"\xbf\xa6": return u"j" if chr<"\xc0\xac": return u"k" if chr<"\xc2\xe8": return u"l" if chr<"\xc4\xc3": return u"m" if chr<"\xc5\xb6": return u"n" if chr<"\xc5\xbe": return u"o" if chr<"\xc6\xda": return u"p" if chr<"\xc8\xbb": return u"q" if chr<"\xc8\xf6": return u"r" if chr<"\xcb\xfa": return u"s" if chr<"\xcd\xda": return u"t" if chr<"\xce\xf4": return u"w" if chr<"\xd1\xb9": return u"x" if chr<"\xd4\xd1": return u"y" if chr<"\xd7\xfa": return u"z" return s

2009-12-14 · wuan

vim tips

RT @ `. ‘. jump to last modification line gf open file name under cursor gv reselect-Visual gi jump to the last cursor when Insert mode was stopped

2009-12-08 · wuan

QQ 内部版本号

RT @ 193F 【QQ2009 正式版 SP2 性能优化测试版】 190F 【QQ2009 正式版 SP4】 1909 【QQ2009 正式版 SP4 试用版】 1843 【QQ2009 正式版 SP2 传文件夹测试版】 1837 【QQ2009 正式版 SP3】 1831 【QQ2009 正式版 SP3 试用版】 175F 【QQ Internation Beta1】 1759 【QQ2009 正式版 SP2】 1753 【QQ2009 正式...

2009-10-24 · wuan

Maemo icon

RT @ I had a hard time finding out which icon sizes one has to provide and where to install them for Maemo applications (I’m currently developing for OS2008 “chinook”, might be different for other releases). Here is what I found out by looking at the contents of other GUI packages: 26x26 icon goes to /usr/share/icons/26x26/hildon/appname.png 40x40 icon goes to /usr/share/icons/40x40/hilson/appname.png 64x64 icon goes to /usr/share/icons/scalable/hildon/appname.png The 64x64 icon will be used in the menu, so be sure to make it really 64x64, otherwise the icon will look out of place in the menu. Also, be sure to create an executable “postinst” file in the “debian/” subdirectory of your package source that has at least the following two commands: gtk-update-icon-cache -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor maemo-select-menu-location appname.desktop Where of course “appname” is the name of your application and how you named your icon...

2009-10-13 · wuan

如何在 Ubuntu 下配置 TOR Bridges

RT @ Step1: 获取网桥地址 用你的 gmail 帐号发送主题和内容为 “get bridges” 的邮件至 mailto:[email protected] Step2: 配置Tor网桥 首先,备份原Tor配置文件torrc至备份目录: sudo cp -p /etc/tor/torrc your-backup-directory 然后在torrc配置文件末尾添加"UseBridges 1"开关选项(默认是0, 即关闭状态), UseBridges 1 UpdateBridgesFromAuthority 1 最后,将 mailto:[email protected] 回复邮件中的 bridge 列...

2009-10-09 · wuan