

./googleearth-bin: symbol lookup error: ./librender.so: undefined symbol: _Z34QBasicAtomicInt_fetchAndAddOrderedPVii

google发现,debian 中有一个软件包 googleearth-package,试试有没有新的发现:

$ sudo make-googleearth-package --force
Architecture: i386
Depends: ttf-dejavu | ttf-bitstream-vera | msttcorefonts, lsb-core, libqtcore4, libgl1-mesa-glx,
Description: Google Earth, a 3D map/planet viewer
Package built with googleearth-package.
dpkg-deb: error: parsing file '/tmp/googleearth-deb/DEBIAN/control' near line 7 package 'googleearth':
`Depends' field, missing package name, or garbage where package name expected
You can now install the package with e.g. sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb

参考这里修改了 /usr/bin/make-googleearth-package,删除了 libgl1-mesa-glx 后面的逗号,重新编译:

$ sudo make-googleearth-package --force
Architecture: i386
Depends: ttf-dejavu | ttf-bitstream-vera | msttcorefonts, lsb-core, libqtcore4, libgl1-mesa-glx  
Description: Google Earth, a 3D map/planet viewer
 Package built with googleearth-package.
dpkg-deb:正在新建软件包 googleearth,包文件为 ./googleearth_6.0.3.2197+0.6.0-1_i386.deb。
You can now install the package with e.g. sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb

dpkg 安装成功后,还是准备用系统QT替换程序QT,但是程序在启动时直接崩溃:

% googleearth
Google Earth has caught signal 11.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but Google Earth has crashed.
 This is a bug in the program, and should never happen under normal
 circumstances. A bug report and debugging data have been written
 to this text file:


Please include this file if you submit a bug report to Google.

后来找到这里,修改了 /usr/bin/googleearth 脚本,在 googleearth-bin 之前添加了以下两行:

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libfreeimage.so.3

再启动 googleearth,上方的菜单、左侧的菜单、地图中照片的描述、地名等内容,都可以正常显示中文了。

% lsb_release -a
LSB Version:	core-2.0-ia32:core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-ia32:core-3.0-noarch:core-3.1-ia32:core-3.1-noarch:core-3.2-ia32:core-3.2-noarch
Distributor ID:	Debian
Description:	Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 (squeeze)
Release:	6.0.5
Codename:	squeeze
% dpkg -l | grep -e "earth\|libfreeimage\|lsb-core\|libqt4-core\|libqt4-webkit\|libqt4-network\|libqt4-gui"
ii  googleearth                                                Google Earth, a 3D map/planet viewer
ii  googleearth-package                             0.6.1                                  utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth
ii  libfreeimage3                                   3.10.0-4                               Support library for graphics image formats (library)
ii  libqt4-core                                     4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1                     transitional package for Qt 4 core non-GUI runtime libraries
ii  libqt4-gui                                      4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1                     transitional package for Qt 4 GUI runtime libraries
ii  libqt4-network                                  4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1                     Qt 4 network module
ii  libqt4-webkit                                   4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1                     Qt 4 WebKit module
ii  lsb-core                                        3.2-23.2squeeze1                       Linux Standard Base 3.2 core support package