About us

The Code::Blocks team

Project Leader

Yiannis Mandravellos (Mandrav)

Location: Greece
Role: Project Manager
Bio: (Under construction)
How he started the project: (Under construction)


Ricardo Garcia (rickg22)

Location: Mexico City
Role: All-hands person
Born in 1975, programmer since 12 (his first projects were small games
for a bulletin board system). In 1993 he entered the Universidad
Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, and joined the independent student research
group LINDA, where he researched about Artificial Intelligence and data
compression. In 2001, he began studying PHP and XML, where he learned
the conce

of multi-tier programming.
How he joined:

I was a regular Dev-C++ user. I had used it for some time, and recently
had tested its spinoff wx-devc

by Guru Kathiresan. Around 2004, I
thought that a C++ IDE should be written in C++ (and not in Delphi), so
I began thinking on the idea of a cross-platform IDE. After researching
on various free IDE’s, I found Code::Blocks and joined in the beginnings
of 2005 to help debug and implement one or two features. Since then,
I’ve been using Code::Blocks and never regretted it! :)

Thomas Denk (Thomas)

Location: ?
Areas: Core developer
Bio: (Not available yet)
How he joined the project: (Not available yet)


(in no particular order)

Paul. A. Jimenez (Ceniza)

Location: Pereira/Risaralda - Colombia - South America
Role: Plugins developer
Born in 1982. He’s currently studying System and Computing Engineering
in the UTP (Universidad Tecnológica del Perú).
He has mainly focused in C and C++ and also some Python (Compiler’s
project @ college). Some libraries he has worked with are Allegro and

How he joined the project:
I was looking for a nice C/C++ IDE for several months and couldn’t find
anything so I always had to stick with my current IDE and its bugs.
Every now and then I retried but always had the same bad luck. Then I
found Code::Blocks.
My contributions have been bugfixes to bugs I’ve found, the ASTyle
plugin update and currently the help plugin maintenance.
Now I’m in because of the help plugin :D

Bartlomiej Swiecki (byo)

Location: Poland
Role: Plugins developer (wxSmith visual plugin), unicode converter
Bio: (Not available yet)
How he joined the project: (Not available yet)

David Perfors (Mispunt)

Location: Holland
Role: Beta-tester
Bio: (Not available yet)
How he joined the project: (Not available yet)

Sylvain Prat (zieQ)

Location: France
Role: Plugins developer, MSVC-importer contributor
Bio: (Not available yet)
How he joined the project: (Not available yet)